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Tier E-Scooter Hack: Is it even possible?

In order to use an e-scooter, it must either be rented with a special app or purchased beforehand. Only then can a scooter be unlocked and allowed to ride. However, there have been some successful attempts to hack a scooter and start a ride without registration or purchase.

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Of course it is illegal to hack a scooter and take it into your own possession. Nevertheless, the relevant companies are not afraid of it.
  1. Scooters from Tier as well as from other suppliers can be hacked and stolen under certain circumstances.
  2. Various prefabricated kits are now available for purchase from China, with which it should be possible without any problems to unlock a scooter without buying or renting.
  3. The consequence is that with this scooter can be driven around without incurring costs.
  4. Of course, the thief in this case must have an appropriate charging station to recharge the battery of the scooter if necessary. However, this is less of a problem.

Tier: That's why the company is not afraid of hackers

  1. The number of possible hacks and thefts is comparatively small.
  2. Auch amortisiert sich ein Diebstahl binnen weniger Minuten bereits an Kosten durch die Miete andere Roller oder die Bereitstellung neuerer Modelle.
  3. Da die Scooter mit einer Blackbox ausgestattet sind, können Sie per GPS zurückverfolgt werden.

By Almund

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