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Making your phone louder: It's so easy

When making calls or even listening to music on your phone, one of the things that matters is the right volume. Depending on which application and device you use, there may be different ways to achieve the highest volume.

Different ways to make your phone louder

There are different sound settings on your smartphone. So you can separately set how loud you want the playback to be when making calls, playing media, from the system and ringtones and notifications.There is a long button on most phones. Pressing the button at the top will make the device louder. On other models, you will find the louder and quieter button divided into two small buttons.In addition, you can open the volume settings on Android:
  1. Open the "Settings" menu on your device.
  2. Browse directly in this menu for "Sounds" or "Volume". If this is not visible, open "My Device" or "Options". Where to find the right sub-item depends on the manufacturer of your smartphone.
Open the volume settings on the iPhone in the following way:
  1. Open the "Settings".
  2. Now tap on "Sounds" and adjust the volume settings.

Make your phone even louder

How loud you can set your device is standardized. However, this can be circumvented by a few tricks. While a jailbreak is required for this on the iPhone, you can find a somewhat easier workaround in the Google Play Store for Android. For example, you can use the app "SLautstärkeregler GOODEV". However, keep in mind that listening to very loud music can damage both your phone or headphones and your ears.

By Ogilvie

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