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Medieval Dynasty: Find and make food - here's how

In Medieval Dynasty, survival gameplay plays an important role right from the start. The question of food is thus obvious. We explain what options you have and give tips.

Gathering and hunting: an empty stomach is relatively easy to prevent in Medieval Dynasty.

In the Middle Ages, food was often a scarce commodity. In Medieval Dynasty, you can prevent this.

Medieval Dynasty: Eating in a vegetarian or meat-heavy way

The food in Medieval Dynasty can be divided into two categories:
  • Meat: You can hunt meat from animals (or by fishing) or obtain it from your own farm animals and then prepare it on the stove. Eating it raw is not advisable, as it can be negative for your health. You can either simply fry meat or use it together with other ingredients to make richer dishes, such as a stew with carrots.
  • Fruit and vegetables: this can be found in the wild, for example berries or mushrooms. For this, the seasons are important, because everything is subject to a natural cycle. Since nothing grows in the winter, it offers to create a sufficient stock before.
  • Through their own poultry such as chickens you get eggs.
For even more options, agriculture is important, because it gives you food with rye or grain. With this you can not only feed the cooker, but it can also be made other practical products such as animal feed.
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