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Medieval Dynasty: How to collect wood - and what you need it for

Of all the raw materials, wood is the most important in Medieval Dynasty at the beginning. We explain what options there are for collecting wood and for what purposes you need the natural resource.

Wood for the hut: in Medieval Dynasty you collect logs and sticks.

Building with wood was the standard in the Middle Ages. In Medieval Dynasty, working with an axe is therefore essential.

Medieval Dynasty: Collect and use wood - all info

Wood in Medieval Dynasty can be divided into two types:
  • Roundwoods are parts of the trunk. They are larger and heavier and are needed for both buildings and tools. You get roundwood by cutting trees with an axe.
  • Sticks are smaller and lighter, but also needed for many purposes. Sticks also fall off when cutting trees, in addition, you can pick them up by hand from growing bushes.
Practical: By building the woodcutter's hut in the forest and staffing it with an NPC worker, your resource store will automatically be replenished with logs and sticks. The amount depends on the location of the warehouse as well as the skill of the worker.Logs, by the way, are important for another purpose: the upkeep of your residents includes firewood, which is made from logs.

By Lancaster

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