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Monster Hunter World: How to use decor weapons

After decor armors were already introduced at the beginning of Iceborne, decor weapons followed a few months later. We explain where you can find them and set them as you like.

New look at the touch of a button: decorative weapons work just like decorative armor.

Decorative weapons (Layered Weapons) work on the same principle as decorative armor (Layered Armor): they are skins that allow you to give a weapon the look of another weapon. Thus, the design of your favorite weapon will always be preserved.

Monster Hunter World: Decor Weapons Available at the Blacksmith

To see and use the Decor Weapons in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, you need to visit the Blacksmith.
  1. There you need to access the option to augment weapons.
  2. Then select a weapon.
  3. You will see the option "Decor weapons" at the very bottom.
  4. Select the look you want. You have a long list of options available.
For decor weapons you always need the appropriate materials. Nothing changes in the values of your weapon due to the new design.

By Jase

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