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iPhone X lost: lock, locate and recover!

If you've lost your iPhone X or it may have been stolen, the initial annoyance is great. But thanks to some of Apple's features, there's hope that you can recover your device or at least protect your data.

Act fast: iPhone X lost

If you've lost your iPhone X, an important question arises: have you enabled or disabled the Find My iPhone feature? If you are not sure, try the first solution approach directly.

"Find my iPhone" is enabled

  • Visit the iCloud website and sign in with your Apple ID.
  • Click "Find my iPhone" and select the lost iPhone X to locate the device. You can play a sound - because maybe you just misplaced your smartphone?
  • If the device is not near you, activate the "Lost" mode.
  • Your device will be locked with a code. In addition, you can display a message on the lost iPhone X. You can enter a phone number here, under which the Finder reachent you.
  • Have you left your iPhone in the office, everything should now already be done. If it could fall into foreign hands, then delete the device via iCloud. Dadurch hat der Finder oder Dieb keinen Zugriff auf Ihre Fotos, Kontakte und andere Medien.
  • Melden Sie Verlust oder Diebstahl bei Ihrem Mobilfunkanbieter sowie eventuell bei der Polizei.

„Mein iPhone suchen“ ist deaktiviert

  • Ändern Sie sofort alle Passwörter, die Sie auf dem iPhone verwendet haben: Apple-ID, E-Mail-Konto, PayPal, Facebook und andere Dienste.
  • Melden Sie Verlust oder Diebstahl bei der örtlichen Polizei sowie Ihrem Mobilfunkanbieter.

By Gasser Shimomura

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