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Samsung: Moisture detected - this helps

If you own a smartphone or tablet from Samsung, you may encounter an error message. If you just let the device charge, it may happen that the screen displays the error "Moisture detected". You now have several options to solve the problem.

This is the cause of the "Moisture detected"

error. The full error message usually reads "Checking the port. Moisture detected. To charge your device, make sure your charger/USB port is dry." The reason for this error can be that the smartphone has come into contact with water and the corresponding sensor has thus detected moisture. However, excessive humidity can also activate the sensor.
  1. The first thing you should do is check your Samsung smartphone's cable and USB port for moisture. If you have detected any, try dabbing these spots with a lint-free cloth and blowing into the port. Make sure that no further moisture gets into the openings.
  2. Also, go to the "Settings" of your smartphone and then to "Apps". Under "Show system apps", you can open the "USB settings". Klicken Sie anschließend bei „Speicher“ auf „Daten löschen“.
  3. Versuchen Sie außerdem, Ihr Gerät neu zu starten, um den Fehler zu beheben.
  4. Sollte keine der oben genannten Lösungen funktionieren, ist es unter Umständen notwendig, den Kundenservice von Samsung zu kontaktieren, um weitere Schritte vornehmen zu können.

By Joashus Aubrecht

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