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Register LG G8S: How to register

On LG's website, you have the option to register products. Then the serial number of your smartphone is linked to an LG customer account and the product can thus be uniquely assigned to you. When registering, you have to enter a mail address and password, as well as your first and last name.

Registering an LG G8S

Registering a product has several benefits. For example, you get access to exclusive information about your product. This includes handy user manuals, tips on how to use the device and care instructions. You will also be sent information about new features after an update. Registration is free and can be done online in just a few minutes. You have to enter your first and last name, an e-mail address and choose a password. Once you have registered, you can use the access data to log in to all of LG's other offers and use other practical tools. Registered users can also take advantage of an extended offer at the help center.

How to register the LG G8S

  1. Open LG's website.
  2. Scroll down a bit and select "Register product" in the second menu.
  3. On the right, click "Not registered yet?". Melden Sie sich an“.
  4. Geben Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten an.
  5. Wählen Sie unten „Anmelden“.
  6. Öffnen Sie Ihren E-Mail-Client und klicken Sie auf die Bestätigungsmail, um die Registrierung abzuschließen.

By Parsaye Severt

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