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Can you cancel Office 365 monthly?

The Office 365 package comes in different models. Depending on the model you choose, you get access to different programs and online services. You get the package in a subscription that you can buy for a year or for single months.

How to cancel Office 365

Depending on the Office 365 package you choose, you get various licenses for Office applications. Usually the programs Word, Excel and PowerPoint are included in the subscription. You can pay the costs for the package as a one-time annual amount or monthly. Cancellation also takes place accordingly. The cancellation period depends on the chosen model. In case of monthly subscription, the subscription expires at the end of the month after cancellation. This can therefore be cancelled on a monthly basis. For annual subscriptions, the subscription is usually terminated only at the end of the term.
  1. The cancellation of your Office 365 package is done via your online account with Microsoft.
  2. Go to the services & subscriptions page of Microsoft and log in there with your account data.
  3. Select here the subscription that you want to cancel and click on the option "Manage". Wird diese Schaltfläche nicht angezeigt, sondern „Wiederkehrende Abrechnung aktivieren“, dann wird das Abo automatisch zum Ablauf des Zeitraums beendet.
  4. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, auf die Schaltfläche Kündigen zu klicken.
  5. Nun können Sie der Anweisung folgen, um das Abonnement zu beenden.

By Valene Lehens

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