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Can you cancel Adobe monthly?

Adobe offers numerous subscription models with the Creative Cloud, which give you access to various programs. Depending on the chosen subscription, the cancellation periods of the models differ. It is also possible to cancel Adobe monthly. Pay attention to your tariff.

How to cancel Adobe monthly

Adobe offers numerous applications that help you edit photos, videos and other media. There are different subscription models that give you access to the various programs. If you want to cancel the subscription, you can do so by contacting support or going online to your Adobe account page and selecting "Cancel". The cancellation period depends on the selected subscription model.
  1. If you cancel the subscription again directly within the first 14 days, the subscription will be terminated immediately and you will receive your payments back in full, depending on the selected subscription model.
  2. If you cancel later, however, this will not be refunded and the subscription will continue to the end of the billing month.
  3. If you have an annual contract with monthly payment, however, it may happen that you have to pay a one-time cancellation fee of 50 percent of the remaining contract value. Auch hier wird das Abo anschließend lediglich bis zum Ende des Abrechnungsmonats fortgesetzt.
  4. Wenn Sie einen Jahresvertrag mit Vorauszahlung gewählt haben, dann können Sie dieses nicht monatlich kündigen. Das Abo läuft bei einer Kündigung bis zum Ende der Vertragslaufzeit weiter. Auch eine Erstattung ist nicht möglich.

By Jeth Dipti

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