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How can I cancel my Adobe subscription? Here's how

An Adobe subscription gives you access to various applications such as Photoshop or InDesign. If you no longer need the application, then it is necessary to cancel it in time. You can do that easily in a few steps through your online account on Adobe's website.

How to cancel your Adobe subscription

If you have an Adobe subscription, then it is important that you cancel it again in time, otherwise it will be renewed automatically. When you need to cancel it depends on the subscription model you choose. If you cancel within the first 14 days, you will usually receive a full refund of any payments made. After that, you may be subject to cancellation fees. The cancellation itself is done through the Adobe account page.
  1. Go to Adobe's website and sign in with your login details using the appropriate button.
  2. Once you are signed in, go to your account contents and select the subscription you wish to cancel.
  3. Click "Manage Subscription" or "View Subscription" here. If these options are not displayed for you, then you will need to contact support directly to cancel.
  4. In the next step, you can now select the "Cancel Subscription" option. This can be found in the "Subscription Information" section.
  5. Here you enter a reason for the cancellation and confirm it via the "Next" button. Now follow the instructions to finish the process.

By Uni

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