Cancel TV Hören und Sehen subscription - how to end the subscription
If you no longer wish to receive TV Hören und Sehen magazine, you must cancel your subscription. To avoid any problems in the process, it is important that you comply with some important formalities.
How to cancel your TV Hören und Sehen subscription
To avoid problems when canceling your subscription, it is important that you follow the usual formalities. Otherwise, your cancellation may not be accepted and your subscription may be renewed.- Keep to the cancellation period specified in the contract. Indeed, if you let the deadline pass, the subscription will be automatically extended for one period. For example, the notice period for the 12-month subscription is 3 months.
- For legal reasons, the cancellation must be in writing in any case. A verbal termination is not sufficient. In this case, an informal letter of cancellation to the publisher is usually sufficient.
- The letter of cancellation should include the most important points such as customer number, the desired cancellation date and your name and address.