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Cancel HelloFresh - how to end your subscription

After trying HelloFresh, there may come a time when you no longer have a need for the box. To make sure you don't waste food or face unnecessary charges, we'll show you ways to cancel the service easily and efficiently.

How to cancel your subscription with HelloFresh

The advantage of HelloFresh is that although your subscription will automatically renew, you don't have to meet any minimum term for it. This makes it very easy to cancel.
  1. It is important that you always cancel before Tuesday 23:59 and that the cancellation has already been received by "HelloFresh" at this time. Otherwise, your subscription will be extended by another week.
  2. Should you have already paid for a package in advance, then HelloFresh will refund the amount within 21 days.
  3. Mail: You can send HelloFresh a postal cancellation. The data for this can be found in the imprint of the provider. Note, however, also the delivery time.
  4. Contact form: You can also use the contact form to submit a notice. To do this, formulate a notice as a document and attach it as an attachment. However, you must also provide all *-marked data.
  5. User account: In your user account you have the button "Cancel my order". You click on it and will be guided through the "HelloFresh" wizard. Finally, you will receive an email with the confirmation.
If you decide to cancel your subscription to "HelloFresh", but then your customer account is not automatically deleted. So you can quickly subscribe again if necessary. Alternatively, you should also remove your stored data if you do not plan to use the delivery service again.

By Kendal

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