Cancel Deezer: How to end your subscription
If you no longer want to use your Deezer subscription, you can cancel it online. It's not complicated - but the right way depends on where you originally signed up for the subscription. For example, if you are logged in with your Apple account, then the cancellation is only possible directly at Apple.
You have several options to cancel your Deezer subscription.
How to cancel your Deezer subscription on PC or Mac
Deezer offers you to subscribe for 30 days for free. Sometimes a trial period of 90 days is also possible. After the free trial period, the offer is automatically extended. However, if you do not want this, then it is necessary to cancel the subscription in time. If you already have a regular subscription and want to cancel it, then this is possible in the same way.- Log in with your data on or open the Deezer app.
- In the app, open the "Settings" and click on "Account Management". If you access via the website, click on your user profile and select the item "Account Settings".
- In both cases, select the menu option "Manage my offer" in the next step and then "Cancel my offer".
- Enter a reason for the cancellation and confirm it.