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Pay Amazon Prime monthly instead of annually: All info

Amazon Prime is common in millions of German households. In addition to the annual subscription, there is now also the option to pay monthly. We clarify what to consider.

Paying monthly is more expensive than paying annually, but it's also more flexible.

Whether you pay monthly or annually doesn't matter for the benefits and features of Prime.

Subscribe to Amazon Prime monthly: What does it cost?

The numbers look like this:
  • Prime costs 69 euros annually, the equivalent of 5.75 euros per month.
  • If you subscribe to Prime monthly and pay, it is 7.99 euros each.
It is thus clear that the monthly payment is only worthwhile if you do not use Prime throughout. This can be for certain shopping phases or even for special movies and series. The option to cancel monthly also gives you a lot of flexibility. However, if you use Prime throughout the year anyway, the annual subscription makes more financial sense.For those who have the annual subscription but want to switch to monthly, this option is available at the end of the annual subscription, since Prime is already paid for by that time.

By Morita Ellworths

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