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Likes on Instagram - these limits apply

To avoid spam, there are limits on likes and other activity on Instagram. In addition to the number of likes you are allowed to give, there is also a limit on the number of subscribed profiles and posts. Get an overview of the most important limits.

Likes: these limits apply on Instagram

On Instagram, you not only have the option to follow your friends, but also the accounts of influencers, companies or celebrities. However, how many other users you follow and how many likes you are allowed to give out is limited and depends on how old your Instagram account is.
  1. If your account is less than three to four weeks old, you are allowed a maximum of 500 activities per day. This includes giving likes, as well as following and unfollowing other accounts.
  2. If your Instagram account is already older, the maximum number of likes and activities allowed increases to 1,000 per day.
  3. While the number of followers is not limited, you may not follow more than 7,500 profiles at a time.
  4. Furthermore, Instagram has a limit on the number of posts and the hashtags used in them. New users should post a maximum of three and old users a maximum of twelve posts per day and may not use more than 30 hashtags per post.

Likes on Instagram: What you can do if the limit is reached

If you have reached the limit of 7,500 subscribed profiles with your Instagram account, you will get an error message when you try to follow more profiles. If this is the case for you, you will not be able to follow new accounts until you unfollow at least one account first.

By Eli

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