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Android 11 SDK: Download - how to install

If you want to develop apps for Android 11, you need the Android Studio development environment and the Android 11 SDK. The development environment is available as a free download from the Google Developer Portal.

How to download the Android 11 SDK

To take full advantage of the Android 11 SDK, you need the latest version of Android Studio. If you are using an older version of Google's in-house development environment, you may experience compatibility issues when trying to install the Android 11 SDK.You can download the latest version of Android Studio for free from the Google Developer Portal. You can also find the preview version of Android Studio there. You can download and install the Android 11 SDK directly in the development environment after installation. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. Click "Tools" in the navigation and then "SDK Manager".
  3. In the SDK Manager, switch to the "SDK Platforms" tab and select the "Android R Preview" option.
  4. Now go to the "SDK Tools" tab and select "Android SDK Build Tools 30" (or newer).
  5. Finally click "OK".
The Android 11 SDK will then be downloaded and installed. Anschließend können Sie damit beginnen, Apps für die neue Android-Version zu entwickeln.

By Gudrin

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