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Borderlands 2: Cheats - how to get golden keys

In the popular online shooter Borderlands 2 you fight on Pandora to find the chamber. There are no cheats in the classic sense for this game. However, there are still a few tricks that you can use to grab extras.

What cheats are there for Borderlands 2?

There are no normal cheats for Borderlands 2, only some tricks that exploit bugs to get advantages are known.
  1. Open Explorer and navigate to the Borderlands 2 Order in steamapps. Here you then go on to "DLC\POPremierClub\Lic".
  2. Open the "WillowDLC.ini" with an editor of your choice and search with Ctrl + F for the entry "GoldenKeys".
  3. Below the entry you will find the value "+NumKeys=1". Change the 1 to 255.
  4. When you start the game now, you have 255 golden keys with which you can open certain chests in Sanctuary and get certain items.
  5. If you want to get the promo items, look for the line "PromotionalUnlocks" and change the following line below it to "+UnlockId=1", "+UnlockId=2", "+UnlockId=3" and "+UnlockId=4".
You can not ercheaten more in the game Borderlands 2. So the only thing left for you to do is to play the game and unlock all the gadgets, weapons and shields by yourself. Do not forget: that's the fun of the game!

By Feltie Kirchoff

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