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The Forest: All cheats - these cheats are important

There are also cheats for the survival game The Forest, with which you can make playing easier. Entering the cheats is possible on both PS4 and PC via the main menu. Get an overview of which cheats are important.

The Forest: How to use all cheats

For the computer game The Forest there are several cheats to adjust the settings of the game. The cheats are available in the single-player and multiplayer modes of the game and can be used on both PC and PlayStation 4. To use a cheat, please open the game's main menu and enter the cheat using the keyboard. Please note that all cheats are automatically deactivated when the game is restarted, but can also be turned off at any time via the menu.

All cheats: An overview of the most important cheats for The Forest

While some of the cheats were already integrated into The Forest from the beginning, many new cheats have been available for the game since an update.
  1. To protect yourself from mutants and cannibals, the cheats "veganmode" and "vegetarianmode" are useful, as these ensure that the monsters disappear or only appear at night, respectively.
  2. Zusätzlich haben Sie durch die Eingabe des Cheats „ironforest“ die Möglichkeit, Gebäude unzerstörbar zu machen und sorgen mit „woodpaste“ dafür, dass Risse und Beschädigungen repariert werden.
  3. Möchten Sie in den Godmode oder den Kreativmodus wechseln, geht dies mithilfe der Cheats „godmode on“ und „buildhack on“. Um die Modi wieder zu deaktivieren, ergänzen Sie den Cheat jeweils mit „off“.

By Akerley Casbarro

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