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Smart TV: Feature - what smart TVs can do

A smart TV is a TV that has its own little computer built in, giving it a wide range of features. Most of these functions can be expanded with apps, allowing you to put together your own personalized viewing experience. But what exactly does such a smart TV offer?

What functions does a smart TV have?

A few years ago it was normal to connect an external computer to the TV so that you could use streaming services, for example. Nowadays, this is no longer necessary, as most TVs already have a PC built in, giving you a wide range of functions.
  1. An important part of the smart TV are apps. So before you buy, you should find out which apps run on the device.
  2. Most of the newer streaming services, such as Amazon and Netflix, have already released their own apps that allow you to use the platforms' content. So it's best if your smart TV supports these features.
  3. In addition, your TV should have various interfaces such as Bluetooth, WLAN and LAN so that you can connect it to other devices. So haben Sie die Möglichkeit, von unterschiedlichen Smartphones oder Computern auf den Fernseher zu streamen.
  4. Es existieren auch TV Sticks, die aus einem normalen Fernseher einen Smart TV machen. Das Einzige, das Ihr Fernseher dafür benötigt, ist ein USB-Anschluss.

By Schaaff Kestle

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