HOME > Online Shopping > Marley Spoon: Cooking Box Delivery Service Prices At A Glance

Marley Spoon: Cooking Box Delivery Service Prices at a Glance

Cooking boxes from the Internet are extremely convenient and that's why they are so popular. If you are interested in ordering from Marley Spoon, our guide shows what their prices are.

Individual budget: with Marley Spoon, you always order the right amount.

Cooking without having to shop - this is what Marley Spoon does well. Nevertheless, looking at the prices is important.

Marley Spoon: Variable prices depending on household size and planning

The prices of Marley Spoon's cooking boxes depend on two variables:
  • You have to decide how many meals you want to cook per week.
  • In addition, you have to specify for how many people each cooking box should be enough.
From these two factors, the prices result:
  • If you want to order three meals per week for a household of two people, this costs 42.90 euros (the equivalent of 7.15 euros per serving).
  • For five meals per week, the same household pays 63 euros (6.30 euros per serving).
  • If three or four people live in the household, two meals per week cost 50 euros (6.25 euros per serving).
Thanks to this system, you always get the right amount and do not have to spend energy on further planning. Since Marley Spoon is basically ordered in the form of a subscription, you can always adjust the details if the situation in the household changes or you do not need the same amount of ingredients for other reasons.The official overview of the selection of cooking boxes is available at this address.

By Muraida

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