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Raspberry Pi Streaming - Is it possible?

The Raspberry Pi is a real surprise box. Practically to every occasion and every idea you can find a use for the single board computer. But what about streaming? With the Pi you can link Amazon Video and set up a media center on the board.

With the help of the media center software "Kodi" media streaming on the Rasbperry Pi has been possible for quite some time. However, this is so far only compatible for a few services and varies greatly in its functionality from update to update.

Streaming Netflix on the Rasbperry Pi?

  1. To stream Amazon Video on the Raspberry Pi, the installation of Kodi or the use of OpenELEC is necessary.
  2. In the meantime, Netflix can also be used on the Raspberry Pi with the help of Kodi and an add-on.
  3. First download the latest version of Kodi, as well as the add-on "InputStream Adaptive".
  4. In addition, you still need the Netflix add-on for Raspberry Pi, that you can save as a ZIP file on the device.
  5. To install Netflix, open the downloaded add-on and select "Install from ZIP file".

By Wendolyn Katzman

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