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Nioh: All Trophies - Info at a Glance

In the Soulslike Nioh on Playstation 4, you can earn trophies by completing challenges. Players who manage to complete all of the challenges will receive a platinum trophy as a reward for doing so. Find out here what you need to keep in mind when collecting trophies.

Nioh: Collecting trophies - here's what you need to watch out for

Unlike in other games, in Nioh the difficulty level does not matter for earning trophies. This means you can play through the game on the lowest difficulty level, for example, and still have the opportunity to complete all the achievements in the process. Unlocking all the trophies can take some time.
  • Totally, including the Platinum Trophy, there are 47 trophies that you can earn: 34 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies and 2 Gold Trophies.
  • If you don't manage to complete all the challenges or find all the collectibles in the first playthrough, it doesn't matter. You can repeat individual missions as often as you like via the mission selection.
  • In addition, Nioh offers a New Game Plus mode. This allows you to play through the game again with the character progress from the previous run. This is especially handy since some challenges consist of, for example, reaching the maximum character level or mastering the different weapon types.
Nioh also has a multiplayer component, but this is not further relevant for unlocking the trophies, since all challenges can also be completed offline.

By Northey

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