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Knack 2: All Trophies - these types are available

In Knack 2 there is not only jumping and fighting, but also a variety of trophies to earn. In order to unlock all trophies, it is necessary to successfully complete various tasks. We explain which trophies are available and how to get them.

These trophies are available in Knack 2

Trophies also play an important role in Knack 2. In total there are 43 different trophies, of which 27 are bronze, 12 are silver, 3 are gold and one is platinum. In order to get the only platinum trophy, two actions must be performed. Thus, it is necessary to complete the game once completely on "Difficult" and complete a level on the highest difficulty "Very Difficult". Collecting all trophies is very time-consuming, as some trophies will not be shown to you, as they are secret.

Knack 2: Unlock All Trophies

Of the total 43 trophies, 27 are easy to unlock, while 16 are secret, as they are mostly related to the game's storyline.
  1. Bronze trophies occur most frequently in Knack 2 and are awarded for achievements, such as 300 punches or kicks against the opponent. Additionally, unlocking crystals, equipment creation, and learning skills are rewarded with bronze trophies.
  2. You get the silver trophies for defeating 500 goblins, 700 robots and all the titans. Auch für das Erhalten aller Geräte und das Erlernen aller Super-Moves werden Sie mit einer Silber-Trophäe belohnt.
  3. Zwei der Gold-Trophäen erhalten Sie, wenn Sie alle Level mindestens auf „Normal“ beziehungsweise mindestens auf „Schwierig“ abgeschlossen haben. Um die geheime Gold-Trophäe freizuschalten benötigen Sie wiederum 70 Knack-Münzen.

By Twila

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