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Pokémon Go: Weaknesses of Types at a Glance

Pokémon Go uses the principle of augmented reality to allow players to catch Pokémon and battle other players with them using their cell phones and the built-in camera. Following the example of older generations, Pokémon have weaknesses.

These weaknesses are possessed by Pokémon in Pokémon Go

The game Pokémon Go was developed for smartphones and tablets and can be downloaded from various app stores since 2016. In Pokémon Go, you can use the principle of augmented reality to find and catch Pokémon in your surroundings with your smartphone. When it was released, it enjoyed a great deal of popularity, causing quite a stir for the game and the players. As with every game in the series, the different Pokémon have strengths and weaknesses depending on their type.The following are the weaknesses of the different Pokémon types:
  • There are a total of 18 different types with different weaknesses to other types.
  • Normal Pokémon are weaker against rock, spirit and steel. Battle Pokémon, however, against flight, poison, psycho, beetle, spirit and fairy.
  • The type flight is weaker against rock, steel and electric. Poison is weak against poison, soil, rock, spirit and steel. Pokémon of type Soil, on the other hand, are weaker against Pokémon of type Flight, Beetle and Plants.
  • However, these are just a few examples of the weaknesses of different types. Dabei unterscheiden sich die Schwächen der Typen nur minimal zu früheren Spielen.
  • Einige Änderungen in der Immunität wurden jedoch vorgenommen.

By Trinidad

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