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MacOS could not be installed - solution

You want to equip your Mac with OS, but the installation does not work? Then this can have several reasons, but some of them you can fix yourself. So that you know how to proceed, it is important to identify the problem first.

These causes may be present when macOS fails to install

There are different reasons that may prevent you from re-installing OS on your Mac:
  1. Wrong system requirements: Your Mac may not be able to play OS. This is because certain requirements must be met by the device.
  2. Less storage space: especially if you do not use the cloud as a storage medium, but the hard drive of your Mac, it may be that the available storage space is not enough. In this case, your Mac will not start the installation.
  3. Power supply: Check if your Mac is connected to the power supply. Because for security reasons, installation will only start if the connection is present. Also check whether the cable is plugged in correctly and the light is on.
  4. Programs in the background: it may be that updates of programs run in the background. These can prevent you from starting another installation. You can then see this in the control panel. Sie können diese Prozesse beenden oder Sie warten, bis das Update beendet ist.

Das A und O: Datensicherung

Bevor Sie einen neuen Versuch für die Installation starten, sollten Sie ein aktuelles Backup Ihrer Daten vornehmen. Nur so können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie keinen Datenverlust erleiden.

By Artemus Baratto

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