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YouTube: Recognize music - this feature makes it possible

YouTube is an online platform. On it, numerous videos are shared. In addition, there are various contents that play music in the background. Usually, you can find the title of the music in the video description. If this is not the case, a suitable tool can help to detect the music.

How to recognize music in YouTube

If you have a free YouTube account, you can share your own videos, comment on others and subscribe to channels. However, if you just want to watch the videos, it is possible without a login. Some videos have background music on the platform. You can find the title and artist in the video description. If this is not the case, however, various tools can help you recognize the music.
  1. If you use Google Chrome as your browser, you can download the add-on "AHA Music Music Recognition". Once you have installed this, it will run in the background. Now let the video with the music play and click on the blue icon with the white magnifying glass in the bar at the top. After a short time, you will now see the title and the artist of the music.
  2. If you access YouTube via your smartphone, you can use other apps to detect the music. Applications such as Shazam are available for this.
  3. Be aware that not every song is recognized by the tools. This depends on how good the sound quality is, but also whether the track is even in the database of the respective application.

By Jann Lomnick

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