HOME > Streaming > Youtube: This Is Super Chat - And This Is What It Brings

YouTube: This is Super Chat - and this is what it brings

Streaming content like on YouTube additionally thrives on interaction among viewers. With the Super Chat, there is a special feature whose benefits we explain to you below.

Good to see: the Super Chat allows viewers special options in the chat window.

Live streams live not least from the chat, which invites all viewers to participate. But what is Super Chat?

YouTube: Super Chat as another monetization opportunity

The Super Chat can be explained as follows:
  • Viewers who use the Super Chat can use it to visually highlight their messages and position them at the top for a time. The words (or stickers or emojis) are thus more present and have more weight.
  • The use, however, requires a cost.
  • This, in turn, goes largely to the content creator of the stream.
Together with Super Stickers, the Super Chat is thus a way for fans to help their favorite streamers financially in the continued operation of the channel. As a content creator, you can enable Super Chat at https://studio.youtube.com/ under "Monetization".

By Gaige

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