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WhatsApp: Send music - these steps are necessary

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messenger apps. With it, you can send and receive messages, pictures videos and music. Files may be up to 100 MB in size. Sending music may be prohibited under certain circumstances if the music is under a license.

This is how you send music in WhatsApp

If you want to send music in WhatsApp, proceed in the same way as with any other file you want to send.
  1. First, open the app and go into the chat with the contact to whom you want to send the music file.
  2. With a tap on the paper clip next to the message input, you can select what kind of file you want to send. Select "Audio" here.
  3. Now you can select which files you want to send. Click as many files as you want. However, the total amount of data must not exceed 100 MB.
  4. If the sending does not work, it may be because you are using an iPhone. On iOS), sending music is not so easy. Laden Sie sich eine App herunter, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Dateien zu zippen, beispielsweise iZip.
  5. Öffnen Sie iZip und komprimieren Sie die Musikdateien, die Sie verschicken wollen.
  6. Verschicken Sie nun die .zip Datei wie in Schritt 1 bis 3 beschrieben. Da die Endung und das Datenformat sich verändert haben, kann iOS nicht mehr erkennen, dass es sich um eine Musikdatei handelt.

By Felicdad Eichenmiller

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