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What is WLAN AC? All the information

When looking for a new WLAN contract, you will be confronted with the term WLAN AC. This is simply the name for the improved successor to the WLAN-N standard and refers to a faster WLAN. If you want to transfer large files, high transfer speeds are useful.

How data transfer works in WLAN networks

For streaming audio and video files, it is more than sufficient if your router can transfer WLAN-N speed. But still, it is interesting to understand how WLAN AC data transmission works.
  • As a rule, WLAN routers use the 2.4 GHz band. This has changed with WLAN N. Now, the 5 GHz band can also be used for data transmission.
  • Frequently, WLAN N routers are dual-band capable, which means that you can operate both frequency bands simultaneously with these routers, both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
  • The new WLAN AC standard also falls back on the 5 GHz band and thus allows you to achieve a transmission rate of up to 1,300 Mbit/s.
  • With the predecessor WLAN N, you can achieve a transmission rate of up to 150 Mbit/s. With the new WLAN AC, the transmission rate is many times higher, here you can be transmitted up to 1,300 Mbit/s per antenna.

What are the advantages of the new WLAN AC?

A major advantage is the transmission speed, which is many times higher. In addition, WLAN AC can spread over a larger area, which means you benefit from a better connection. In addition, the so-called beamforming is used. This system makes it possible to locate your laptop or similar receiver devices and send out an amplified signal in this direction.

By Marva

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