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WVERWEIS: How to create the horizontal reference

Unlike the SVERWEIS, the search in a WVERWEIS is not from top to bottom, but from left to right. For this reason, the WVERWEIS is also called horizontal reference. In addition to the command, you can specify various criteria to explain exactly how the search should be done.

How to use the WVERWEIS

If you are looking for specific information within a table, the best way is to use the WVERWEIS or horizontal reference. With this you can specify a search query exactly by indicating which word you are looking for. In addition to the command, you must pass various arguments for the search. Note that in newer versions of Excel there is the XLOOKUP command. This allows you to search in any direction, which simplifies the use of the command. If you still want to use the WVERWEIS, that is also possible.
  1. The command takes three arguments and can pass an optional argument. "WVERWEIS(search_criterion; matrix; row_index; [range_reference])".
  2. For the search criterion, enter the value or term you want to search for.
  3. The matrix is the second argument of the command. Here you specify the range that contains all the required information for the search.
  4. The row index contains the number of the row within the matrix from which the searched value should be returned.
  5. Optionally, you can specify the range_reference. Here you enter either FALSE if you want an exact match to the search criteria. TRUE means an inexact match is also possible.

By Armil

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