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Combining REFERENCE with IF function - how to do it

In Microsoft Excel there is a suitable formula or function for almost every task. Additionally, Excel offers the ability to combine functions together to extend their functionality. Learn here how to nest the function SVERWEIS with a IF function.

How to combine SVERWEIS and What-if function

With the SVERWEIS function you can search a search range you have defined in Excel for a specific search criterion. The formula of the SVERWEIS consists of the following arguments: "=SVERWEIS(search criterion; matrix; column index; [range_reference])".By means of the IF function you can specify a condition, which, if it is fulfilled, throws out a corresponding result or executes a certain action. If the condition is not met, you can specify that another output or action should be performed. The syntax of the IF function looks like this: "=WENN(check; [then_value]; [else_value])".If you combine the two functions, the formula looks like this: =WENN(check; SVERWEIS(search_criterion; matrix; column_index); SVERWEIS(search_criterion; matrix; column_index))
  • Using the argument "check", you specify a condition that is to be fulfilled or not fulfilled.
  • If the condition is met, Excel should execute the "[Then_value]", in this case a SVERWEIS. The syntax of the VERWEIS function remains the same - as if the function stands separately.
  • The "[Else_Value]" is also a VERWEIS that is executed if the specified condition is not met.

Combining other functions

It is not only the VERWEIS and IF functions that you can nest together. Excel offers you numerous other options to combine different functions. Durch die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten sind Sie immer in der Lage, eine passende Lösung für Ihre Aufgabe zu finden.

By Kelbee

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