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Laptop won't turn on

It is not uncommon that you try to turn on your laptop but it does not respond. Even if this circumstance leads to worries in the first moment, in most cases it is not a big deal. Usually, the reason for the failure to start is quite simple and can be fixed just as quickly.

Laptop won't turn on: Causes

In most cases, the battery is the cause of the failure to start. This can cause problems in different ways.
  1. One reason for the failure to start can be that the battery of your laptop is currently not sufficiently charged.
  2. Connect the associated power adapter to the laptop and the mains and wait a few minutes until you try again to start the laptop.
  3. Be sure to leave the power adapter connected to the laptop.
  4. If necessary, remove the battery from the laptop and then insert it back into the device.
  5. If the problem can not be fixed, replace the battery with a new one.
  6. But be sure to use only selected batteries or original batteries from the manufacturer.

Laptop can no longer be turned on: Ein Softwareproblem?

  1. Sollte es nicht an der Hardware liegen, könnte es auch ein Problem mit dem Betriebssystem sein, das im Zweifel neu installiert werden muss.
  2. Auch ein Fehler mit dem BIOS kann vorliegen.
  3. Üblicherweise hilft es, den Laptop mit einer Recovery-CD neu zu konfigurieren.

By Rabah

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