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Dark Souls 3: Attack power explained - these details matter

The attack power tells you what damage potential the weapons in Dark Souls 3 have. There are a few details to keep in mind. Our guide helps with a better understanding.

Offensive power desired: your attack power can be greatly increased.

Attack is often the best defense in Dark Souls 3. Decisive here are the values.

Dark Souls 3: So you understand the attack power correctly

On the attack power you should know the following:
  • Not always, but often, the attack power is composed of two values.
  • These are usually added, recognizable by the "+" symbol between them.
  • Sometimes, however, a "-" sign appears, so the opposite. This means that you can not use the full potential of the weapon, because you do not meet the minimum requirements.
  • For this, pay attention to the values in the lower area of the window: for melee weapons, it is strength and / or dexterity that determine the effectiveness.
Generally, it is not recommended to use a weapon if you do not meet the minimum requirements. Keep the weapon, but use an alternative until you reach the required stats.Also, keep an eye on the different lines under Attack Power. Elemental damage such as ice shows up separately below and also contributes to the total damage. You increase attack power through titanite enhancements and with weapon casting - both of which you perform at the blacksmith in the Fireband Shrine.Especially with casting, you should know what you're doing, as it specializes the weapon; for example, the scaling bonus can be increased with a base value like Strength.

By Melisenda Cassaro

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