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Enable Hyper-V in Windows 10 - how to do it

If you set up the Hyper-V feature in Windows 10, you can use it to create virtual machines. This allows you to experiment with the settings or use certain programs completely freely. After all, this does not affect your operating system thanks to Hyper-V.

This is what you need to enable Hyper-V

You cannot install Hyper-V if you are using the Windows 10 operating system. There are other items that you need to meet so that you can create a virtual machine. You will need:
  • Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education.
  • 4 GB of memory
  • Processor running 64 bits with SLAT (Second Level Address Translation)
  • CPU support for VM monitoring mode extension

Windows 10: How to enable Hyper-V in Settings

To create a Hyper-V virtual machine, simply navigate to your system's settings. Proceed as follows:
  1. Right-click on the Windows icon located in the lower left corner and select the "Apps & Features" item.
  2. On the far right, you will now see the "Related Settings" option. Klicken Sie auf den Punkt, der sich darunter befindet: „Programme und Funktionen“.
  3. Wählen Sie danach „Windows Features aktivieren und deaktivieren“ aus.
  4. Suchen Sie in der Liste nach „Hyper-V“ und setzen Sie hier einen Haken.
  5. Klicken Sie abschließend auf „Ok“.
  6. Hyper-V wird nun installiert. Starten Sie den PC danach neu.

By Andras Gennette

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