HOME > Online Shopping > Zalando Complaint: How To Proceed

Zalando complaint: How to proceed

At Zalando, defective items can be complained about easily. Customer service is usually very accommodating and offers a partial refund if you want to keep the product. If not, you can return the item and receive the full amount transferred to your account.

Claiming goods from Zalando

If you have bought clothes or shoes from Zalando and discover a defect on them, you should first contact Zalando's customer service. Zalando usually reacts very accommodating and offers a partial refund in many cases. This option makes sense if you still want to use the product despite the defect. You can often also opt to send the garment back and receive the money. Zalando may ask for photos of the defect. However, a description of the problem is often sufficient. You should not take advantage of Zalando's service, as customers are permanently blocked if a conspicuous number of complaints are requested.

How to complain about clothing from Zalando

  1. Contact Zalando's customer service. Either send an email to [email protected] or call the number 030 20219800.
  2. Describe the problem exactly and when the defect occurred. Weisen Sie deutlich darauf hin, dass es sich nicht um Selbstverschulden handelt.
  3. Entscheiden Sie sich für eine Teilerstattung oder eine vollständige Erstattung.
  4. Bei Teilerstattung erhalten Sie den Betrag innerhalb weniger Tage.
  5. Bei einer vollständigen Erstattung senden Sie das Produkt zurück: Sie erhalten einen Retourenschein per Mail und müssen nichts für das Porto zahlen.
  6. Wenn das Produkt bei Zalando eingegangen ist, erhalten Sie Ihr Geld zurück.

By See Hallinger

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