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Resetting laptop to factory settings

Operating systems are prone to having problems from time to time that a layman cannot easily fix. In these cases, it is often advisable to reset the operating system to factory settings to clean up any potential problems with it and have a fresh system in front of you.

Resetting laptop to factory settings - step by step

Depending on the operating system, the procedure naturally differs in many steps. The following instructions are therefore only feasible for Windows 10.
  1. First, start your computer and switch to the Windows settings, which you can access via the key combination [Windows] + [I].
  2. Now look for the category "Update and Security" and navigate there further to the entry "Restore".
  3. Now click on "Reset this PC" and further on "Let's go".
  4. Further you can now decide whether personal documents on the computer should be deleted or kept.

Reset laptop to factory settings: How to complete the process

  1. Now, to complete the factory reset, after choosing to keep your own files, you need to select all the files you want from a large list.
  2. Sofern Sie mit Ihrer Auswahl zufrieden sind, bestätigen Sie diese durch einen Klick auf „Zurücksetzen“.
  3. Nun startet der Vorgang, der einige Minuten oder sogar Stunden in Anspruch nehmen kann.
  4. Während dieser Zeit sollten Sie keine weiteren Aktionen am Computer ausführen und diesen auch nicht ausschalten.

By Ozmo

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