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God of War: Hacksilver farming - what to look out for

If you want to buy new equipment or place crafting orders with the blacksmith in God of War, you need money. The currency in the game is hack silver. There are several ways to get money in God of War. With a few tricks, farming is also faster.

How to farm hack silver in God of War

In God of War, you need hack silver to buy equipment, for example. With the right tricks you can collect a lot of money already at the beginning.
  1. Look also at the ceiling on your way. In many cases, there are containers that contain money.
  2. Search for and collect artifacts. These you can then sell at the blacksmiths. You do not otherwise need them in the game.
  3. Make sure that you use the currency sparingly. Buy only what you really need.
  4. Skill also your "luck" value. This allows you to grab more hack silver.
  5. Also in the floating barrels in the Lake of Nine in Midgard is often money. This is also a very good way to farm money in the early game. If you reload the last checkpoint each time, you can collect the money again. This does not disappear.
  6. Later, you can kill only one of the two wolves at Thamur's corpse. Pick up everything that this dropped and reload the checkpoint. Wiederholen Sie dies, bis Sie genĂ¼gend Geld gesammelt haben.

By Dituri Parmalee

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