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God of War: New Game Plus - these features are added

Once you play through God of War, you unlock the New Game Plus option. In this one, you take away some items and abilities. You also get some features that make it easier to play through again, such as skipping cutscenes.

This is what the New Game Plus option offers you in God of War

After you have played through God of War once, you can start the game again directly with the New Game Plus option. This option also brings you some advantages and features that make the replay worthwhile.
  1. With the new playthrough, you don't have to watch all the cutscenes again, since you have already played the story. You can therefore skip them.
  2. In the new game, all armor, spells, resources, talismans and also unlocked skills from the previous run. The Chaos Blades, on the other hand, you can no longer use, because you unlock them again in the course of the game.
  3. In the game you also get new armor and weapons.
  4. Also the number and difficulty of the enemies increases again. Beachten Sie, dass die Gegner zudem teilweise neue Kampftechniken besitzen.
  5. Außerdem wird eine neue Seltenheitsstufe für Ausrüstungen hinzugefügt. Mit der neuen Ressource „Skap-Schlacke“ können Sie zudem Ihre Waffen und Rüstungen verbessern.
  6. Des Weiteren erhalten Sie neue Rüstungssets und Zauber, um weitere Verbesserungen durchzuführen.

By Kasper

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