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Excel: Remove password - how to do it

Passwords for documents and workbooks in Excel are great for protecting the document from people who should not work on it. Only people with the password can make changes to the document and save them. If you want to remove a password again, that's no problem.

Excel: Remove password - how to unprotect

Password-protected spreadsheets and workbooks can be easily unprotected and unlocked for any user.
  1. First open the workbook or document that should be unprotected.
  2. Now go directly to the "Review" tab and proceed to "Protect sheet". Alternatively, at this point is also protect workbook.
  3. Now you can click on "Unprotect sheet" or "Protect workbook" and subsequently type the password.
  4. Clicking on "Unprotect worksheets" removes the password and the document can be used again.

How to change the password

  1. If you do not want to remove the set password, but only change it, this is also no problem.
  2. Klicken Sie auf „Blatt schützen“ und geben Sie ein neues Kennwort ein.
  3. Anschließend bestätigen Sie mit „OK“, um den Schutz zu aktivieren.
  4. An dieser Stelle können Sie auch das Feld für das Kennwort frei lassen, damit kein neues Passwort festgelegt wird und die Mappe wieder freigegeben ist.

By Thetos Pelham

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