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LinkedIn: private mode - what does it include?

LinkedIn is a platform where you can network in the professional field. So you can acquire new business partners, but also employers and draw attention to yourself there. For this purpose, LinkedIn is equipped with a variety of handy tools that should make it easier for you to create your own page.

How private mode works on LinkedIn

Browse the profiles of various members in private mode on LinkedIn, and they won't see your name or any other information about you. If you also use the free standard mode, then it is also not apparent to you who has viewed your profile. If you use the paid premium mode, you can see a list of people who have viewed your profile within the last 90 days. Blocking or revealing the name is also not possible in private mode. The private mode can be set with just a few clicks.
  1. To activate the private mode, click on the home page of LinkedIn first on the icon for "You".
  2. There you will now see a drop-down menu, where you now select "Settings & Privacy".
  3. Links klicken Sie nun die Option „Sichtbarkeit“ an.
  4. Im Bereich „Sichtbarkeit Ihres Profils und Netzwerks“ selektieren Sie im Anschluss neben „Profilanzeigeoptionen“ den Button für „Ändern“.
  5. Nun haben Sie die Wahl zwischen drei Modi zum Durchsuchen. Entweder wählen Sie die Option „Ihren Namen und Profil-Slogan“ oder Sie selektieren „Merkmale des Privatprofils“ oder den „Privatmodus“.

By Becca

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