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How Amazon shows you only Prime products

On Amazon, you can find not only Prime products, but also those from third-party sellers. However, if you want to take full advantage of the subscription as a Prime customer, you can display only Prime products in the search.

You want to see only Prime products on Amazon? Fortunately, it's quite simple.

There are other arguments in favor of Amazon Prime besides the price. Because as a customer, you not only benefit from extra offers, but also receive many items without having to pay delivery costs. To take advantage of all Prime benefits, you can filter out all Prime products from the offer list.

In the browser: How Amazon shows you only Prime products

In the PC browser, you can activate the filter with one click.
  1. When you search for a product and see the product list in front of you, pay attention to the various filter options in the left menu bar.
  2. There you can put a check mark at the top of "Prime".
  3. All products that are not delivered via Prime, then disappear from the list.

You want to see only Prime products in the Amazon app? Here's how

In the Amazon app for mobile devices, you proceed practically the same way. Above the product list, you will see the "Filter" button on the right. Tap the button to be able to select the "Prime" and "Prime Same Day" options. This way, you will make sure to see only products that you can order on Prime terms. Dies betrifft in erster Linie den schnellen, kostenlosen Versand unabhängig vom Bestellwert.

By Stefan Sonkens

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