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Cancel at Gymondo: How it works

The Gymondo training program is suitable for the whole year. However, if you no longer need or want the online workout, you should simply cancel your subscription. This makes sense if you can foresee that you will no longer use the service regularly.

With Gymondo you can cancel both online and offline.

How to cancel with Gymondo

You can cancel your Gymondo subscription in different ways. The easiest way is to cancel online directly from your account.
  1. Log in to Gymondo with your account.
  2. Click on your profile (i.e. your username) in the top right corner.
  3. Select "My Membership" and then the "Account" section.
  4. There you click on "Cancel Membership".
  5. Confirm the query whether you really want to cancel your subscription.
  6. The cancellation is then active, so your subscription ends after the current payment period. During this time, you can continue to use the service in full.
  7. If you have concluded your subscription through a third-party provider it may be that you must address your cancellation to them. However, since this is not always the case, contact the respective provider for more information.
Alternatively, you can also cancel quite classically by letter. The address can be found on the page of the provider, for example, in the imprint. Also by mail the termination is possible, namely to [email protected]. When formulating your letter, make sure that you include your customer number, your name and, if applicable, your address or e-mail so that it can be assigned. By the way, regardless of the subscription and the type of cancellation, a cancellation period of three days before the end of the contract applies.

By Nuli

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