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Kodi: Install addons - this option is available

Kodi is a free, cross-platform media player software. This was originally developed for the Xbox and is now available for the PC. With the help of addons, you can further expand the functionality of the software. You must first install the addons.

How to install addons for Kodi

Kodi already offers various functions that you need in a media player. Nevertheless, if you would like to extend the range of functions according to your wishes, you have the option to install addons. A distinction is made between official and unofficial addons. The official addons have been approved by the Kodi developers and are therefore available directly in Kodi. You should be careful with unofficial addons, because they can cause problems in the software.
  1. To install an official addon, first start Kodi.
  2. In the Kodi menu you will see the option "Addons". Click on it.
  3. Now you will see an overview of all available addons.
  4. Then click on the "Package Manager Icon" at the top to open the Addon Manager.
  5. Here you can choose from different options. If you want to install an official addon, select "Install from repository". Um Ihre bereits installierten Addons zu verwalten, klicken Sie auf „Benutzer-Addons“.
  6. Suchen Sie sich nun über die Suchfunktion oder manuell ein passendes Addon aus.
  7. Klicken Sie das gewünschte Addon an und klicken Sie auf „Installieren.“.

By Angelle Boree

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