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Pokémon Go doesn't work: How to remedy

If you want to play Pokémon Go on your mobile device, but can't open the app, this can have different causes. The error can be both the game and your Android or iPhone. In most cases, you can ensure that the game works again as usual in just a few steps.

Why can't I log in to Pokémon Go?

If you can't log in to the Pokémon Go app, this can sometimes be due to a connection error. Therefore, first try to turn off your smartphone completely and restart it right after. The device will reconnect to the Internet and this little trick can sometimes already ensure that the error is fixed. If this did not help, there are other measures:
  1. Frequently, problems with logging in are due to the fact that the Pokémon Go servers are down. You can find out about the server status on the Internet. If the servers are down, you can only wait until they are available again.
  2. When you try to log in, you may receive an error message from the app. Depending on what you are shown, you may have to proceed differently.
  3. If you are shown that your account has been locked, fill out the appropriate form on the website.
  4. If your device is not compatible with the app, then this may be due to a missing update.
  5. Also clear the cache of the app. Gehen Sie dafür auf „Einstellungen“ > „Apps“ und wählen Sie die „Pokemon Go“-App aus der Liste aus. Tippen Sie danach auf „Cache leeren“.

By Phaih

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