Telegram: Create a group - here's how to do it
The messenger service Telegram allows you to communicate with friends and family via chat. In addition, quite a few other useful features are available to help you communicate more easily. These include channels, groups and supergroups.
How to create a group in Telegram
The Telegram application opens up many different ways for you to make contact. While channels address a broad audience and you act more as a guest there, groups and supergroups allow you to exchange messages directly with family and friends, but also with people interested in a certain topic, for example. The difference between regular groups and supergroups is the number of participants. Thus, the normal group chat is designed more on a private basis, while a supergroup can include up to several 10,000 participants.- The first thing you do is open the Telegram application.
- Then look for the pencil icon, which is located in the lower left corner under "Android" and under "iOS" in the upper right corner.
- Now select "New Group".
- Jetzt haben Sie die Möglichkeit, der Gruppe einen Namen zu geben und die Personen hinzuzufügen, die ein Teil Ihrer Gruppe werden sollen.
- Möchten Sie diese Gruppe in eine Supergruppe umwandeln, müssen Sie dafür den Namen der Gruppe eingeben, die Sie anpassen möchten.
- Im Anschluss tippen Sie auf das Symbol mit den drei Strichen und wechseln in das Menü, wo Sie „In Supergruppe ändern“ auswählen.
- Dadurch sind Sie nun zum Administrator dieser Gruppe geworden.