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exchange iPhone: Old for new - this is how the exchange works

After some time your iPhone loses its performance and you think about buying a new device. In doing so, you don't have to wait for good deals, but you can use a service provided by Apple itself, namely the Giveback program.

Alt for new: How iPhone exchange

Since 2010, Apple has launched the Giveback program. This allows you to get a new iPhone faster and cheaper.
  1. The giveback program only applies to devices that are owned by you.
  2. In this case, Apple takes your old device in payment and you get a current iPhone model.
  3. For this, you must visit the Apple Store. Online, Apple offers so far no way to use the giveback program.
  4. In the Apple Store, the value of your old device is now checked. The condition as well as the model are evaluated. Even special colors or limited editions are taken into account.
  5. Apple, however, caps the maximum amount you can get for your old iPhone.
  6. Until now, Apple has limited the maximum amount you can get for your old device to 500 euros.
  7. If you agree with the assessment and can prove your ownership, you can make the exchange directly in the Apple Store.
  8. Sie erhalten eine Rechnung und die Garantie, die Sie für ein Neugerät bei vollem Preis erhalten.

Worin liegt der Nachteil des Programmes?

Haben Sie das iPhone nicht direkt gekauft, sondern mit einem Vertrag erworben, können Sie das Programm nicht in Anspruch nehmen. Auch können Sie höhere Preise auf dem freien Markt erzielen. Denn die Deckelung sorgt gerade bei sehr gutem Zustand dafür, dass Sie maximal 500 Euro bekommen.

By Vins

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