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iPhone X: Replace earpiece - how it works

If you notice that you can only understand your conversation partner very quietly or with difficulty during a phone call, this can be an indication of a defective earpiece. Of course, other factors such as reception and environment also play a role in such circumstances. Nevertheless, in case of doubt, a replacement must take place.

iPhone X: Replace earcup - step by step

In order to replace the earcup, you will need the appropriate tools (a pentalobe screwdriver (PL1)) and of course a new earcup.
  1. To begin the process, turn off the iPhone to avoid possible damage to yourself or the device.
  2. Now remove the lower case screws, which you will find directly to the left and right of the Lightning connector.
  3. Now you need to remove the display. For this, it is best to use a suction cup or something similar that does not scratch the surface.
  4. Now disconnect the battery so that no short circuit is triggered during the process.
  5. In the next step, remove the display connectors from the smartphone.
  6. Finally, you can now release the earpiece and replace it with a new one.

iPhone zusammenbauen

  1. Sobald alle Schritte erfolgreich ausgeführt wurden, können Sie einen neuen Kleberahmen anbringen und das Display erneut einbauen.
  2. Zuvor muss jedoch der Akku eingebaut werden.
  3. Abschließend bringen Sie die Gehäuseschrauben wieder an, damit das Display fest verankert im Gehäuse sitzt.

By Bik Starratt

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