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Samsung tablet: replace battery - how to do it

With a tablet, depending on the operating system, you can download various applications from an app store and then use them. But after some time, it may happen that the battery of your tablet loses power. If this is the case, the battery must be replaced.

How to replace the battery of your Samsung tablet

Due to incorrect charging or even after some time, it can happen that the battery of your Samsung tablet is defective. If this happens, then it is usually necessary to replace the battery.
  1. First you should check if you still have warranty on your device. Depending on the model, the warranty can be one to two years.
  2. Should you not be sure whether it is also a warranty case with you, contact the customer service of Samsung.
  3. Alternatively, it is also possible to give the tablet directly to the repair. However, this is usually associated with costs, these differ depending on the model of your Samsung tablet. Here, too, you can contact the manufacturer's customer service directly.
  4. You can also replace the battery yourself. Hierfür benötigen Sie lediglich ein geeignetes Werkzeug und einen Ersatz-Akku.
  5. Anschließend sollten Sie einer detaillierten Anleitung folgen, die Sie auf diversen Seiten im Internet finden.
  6. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, dass Sie dabei unter Umständen noch weitere Schäden verursachen können.

By Reneta

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