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HTTP Meaning - what does the well-known abbreviation mean?

Everyone knows the abbreviation http, which appears at the top of the browser line before the Internet address. But what does http or https actually mean and why does it have to be up there? http or "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" is a protocol for transmission at the application level, in this case the web application.

What exactly does http mean?

Http refers to a protocol that governs the transfer of data in web applications. Currently, http is in version 2.0. There are other protocols based on http as well as https, which is responsible for the transmission of encrypted content. http is a stateless protocol, which means that all data from previous requests is lost as soon as a new request is made. There are different request methods here.
  • GET: The Get method is used to request a resource, for example a file from the server.
  • POST: Unlimited data is sent to the server for further processing.
  • HEAD: Only the head is requested again, for example to check data in the cache.
  • PUT: This uploads a file to the server.
  • PATCH: An existing document is changed and not completely replaced as with PUT.
  • DELETE: Deletes a document from the web server.
  • TRACE: Returns the request as it was received by the server. So kann überprüft werden, ob die Anfrage verändert wurde.
  • OPTIONS: Liefert eine Liste der Methoden, die vom Server unterstützt werden.

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